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Forum: Building the climate movement online

6pm Thursday October 16th
Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith Street Collingwood

Online tools offer climate change activists and groups excellent
opportunities and strategies to build the movement. Websites, egroups,
blogs, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and other applications are being used
extensively by community organisers… But how well? How can online tools
be harnessed most effectively to recruit, engage, energise, strategise
and sustain grassroots climate change activism?

Forum: Building the climate movement online
‘What would effective online organising look like?’

In June, the Change Agency and Friends of the Earth launched an action
research project that included an online questionnaire, interviews with
200 climate change community organisers and a desk study of effective
online organising. The project report will be available for downloading
on Monday 22/9 from

Come along to hear what we’ve learnt through this project so far. Join
us for a discussion to:
* develop and share a
critical overview of communication tools and platforms
* share climate change organising lessons and insights
* learn to organise more effectively online
* hear about Friends of the Earth’s climate campaign
* bridge the gaps between grassroots and NGO activists,
between environmentalists and other citizens concerned about climate
change, and between the rebels, reformers, citizens and change agents
in this powerful and growing people's movement.

Similar forums will be held in Sydney (29/9) and Brisbane (8/10)

Contact > [email protected] / 0419 253 342
Further information >  [email protected] / 0431 150
tCA >
FoE >

With the support of the Reichstein Foundation and the Electronic
Community Networking Association.

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