How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected and changed the Darebin community?
The Covid-19 Pandemic was a unique, disruptive and at times catastrophic experience for our community. Three years since the start of the pandemic, we have still not come to terms personally and collectively with the impact of this experience on our lives and our society.
These public events will be an opportunity for all members of the public to come forward with their experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The event may provide opportunities for people to be heard by organisations, government and the media. It will also be an opportunity for the community to collectively process the difficult and life changing experiences of the pandemic.
How will it work? The event won’t be a ‘town hall’ style forum. Instead there will be groups of 10-12 chairs with a facilitator to guide discussions and document what they hear from participants. Those documented discussions will then be synthesised in a report and there will be an opportunity for community members to return to make sense of what came out of the process and work out if there is anything they want to work on as a community or advocate for in the wake of the discussion.
The facilitators will hold the discussions in blocks of time across the day, so people can choose a time slot to attend that works best for them. We will release more information about the time slots closer to the date.