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Climate Change & Energy in Victoria: Community Infosheet

Energy policy has been a hot topic in 2017. But with misinformation out there in the community, it's time to get informed and set the record straight. 

Victoria has seen French company Engie closed the state’s largest coal power plant, Hazelwood, in March 2017 after operating ten years longer than its technical life. 

We've also seen the Andrews government legislate Victorian Renewable Energy Targets (VRET) with support from The Greens, and crossbenchers Suzanna Sheed, Fiona Patten, and James Purcell. This initiative will rollout up to 5,400 MW of solar and wind farms across the state by 2025.  

Unfortunately, some politicians are using this period of change for point scoring. And it'll take leadership from the community to get the facts out there. 

Some seek to damage the reputation of renewables with unsubstantiated claims that the technology causes power price increases. Others stoke fear of blackouts despite assurances from the Australian Energy Market Operator that supply is secure. 

The strong focus on energy often overshadows the critically important issue of climate change. 

Climate change is driving unprecedented melting of the polar icecaps and bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. More locally, parts of Victoria experienced a record dry June in 2017 and are facing increased bushfire risk in summer. 
The Act on Climate collective has pulled together a community infosheet to help you get a grip on energy issues and ensure that climate change is not lost in the debate. 


  • Print some copies of the Act on Climate infosheet and share them at your workplace, local library, and community centre. 

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