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APPEA ‘charm offensive’ hits Victoria

June 21, 2013

Friends of the Earth media release

The Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) has launched its long awaited ‘charm offensive’ in Victoria, with its ‘Lets Grow Victoria’ campaign.

Under the banner 'Coal Seam Gas: It's Cleaner. It's Safer. It's Jobs. It Is The Future’, APPEA is ramping up a campaign to convince Victorians that the CSG industry will support Gippsland’s ‘stagnating’ economy and bring all manner of benefits to the state.

“The timing of this campaign is significant” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker. “The state government is considering when it will lift the current moratorium on the process of Fracking, and its response to the EDIC Greenfields mining inquiry has made it clear that it wants Victoria to be ‘open for business’ when it comes to new coal and gas”.

“In its materials, APPEA says that the potential development of the CSG industry is being ‘held back by unnecessary restrictions on onshore gas operations’. A number of companies have been lobbying government to lift the moratorium, and Lakes Oil in particular has been active in the media, announcing plans to frack for Tight Gas in Gippsland and western Victoria as soon as it can”.

The state government has also announced its intention to ‘develop and initiate a community information campaign that communicates the value of the resources sector to Victorians’.

“It is clear that it hopes to see major coal and unconventional gas reserves developed in coming years” said Mr Walker.

“But the fact is that new and gas developments will be deeply unpopular in regional Victoria, and any Party that is seen to encourage them is risking significant political backlash at the 2014 state election.”
Further comment
Cam Walker 0419 338 047

The APPEA campaign can be found here:

A response to the Governments position on the EDIC mining report can be found here:


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