John Fenton is a charismatic farmer from Pavillion Wyoming who has been living with pollution of ground water and air pollution, land use and other effects of the gas industry. John featured in the Gasland film.
He will be visiting Victoria in early March, with two public events, in Melbourne (March 6) and Gippsland (March 7).
John Fenton is a charismatic farmer from Pavillion Wyoming who has been living with pollution of ground water and air, and a range of other impacts from the gas industry.
John featured in the Gasland film.
In 2008 the US EPA investigated discoloured ground water in Pavillion. In 2010 the EPA warned Pavillion residents not to drink the water and use a fan when bathing or washing clothes to avoid the risk of explosion, after it found the water contaminated with dangerous chemicals and methane caused by fracking for gas.
The gas company now trucks in drinking water for local farmers. Some eat from paper plates because they cannot wash dishes without contamination, and they must open their windows when they have a shower. The water flowing out of the bores and taps smells like diesel and can be lit if contained in a jar. Several people in the district have developed neuropathy or other health ailments. Animals have also become sick.
John Fenton has a gas well situated only 100 metres from his house and the snow melt irrigation district has 200 wells dotted over the farm land.
Local farmers also suffer from gas land use clashing with agriculture, with well pads, access roads, pipelines, truck visits and compressor stations all affecting farm operations.
John Fenton has become a leading activist in the US against unconventional gas.
He is touring Australia to highlight the risks of the unconventional gas industry.
Friends of the Earth is hosting the Victorian leg of his trip.
For the national tour schedule, check here.
Victorian events
Thursday March 6. Public forum in Melbourne.
7pm start. Edinburgh Gardens Community Room, North Fitzroy
Located adjacent to the old Fitzroy Football Club Grandstand at the
southern end of the Edinburgh Gardens. Enter via Brunswick Street, just
near the Fitzroy Bowls Club.
No 112 Tram down Brunswick Street. Stop 20.
For further information: [email protected]
Friday March 7, Public forum in Rosedale, East Gippsland.
Rosedale Mechanics Hall, Rosedale
Further details: Ursula.
[email protected]