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Better Buses Campaign Welcomes Investment into Safe Road Crossings

To make main road buses work properly, passengers must be able to safely cross the road to get to their stop.

The government has announced a $23m package for improving pedestrian safety in East Melbourne, Brunswick West and near Dandenong Market. This will make pedestrians safer and encourage more walking.

However, as every trip begins and ends with walking, this will improve access to buses as well. 

Unfortunately whilst this is a start, much more needs to be done.

Throughout suburban Melbourne there are many 4 or 6 lane roads with bus routes along them with limited crossing opportunities. The picture below is from Burwood Highway, Vermont South showing what passes as the only pedestrian crossing for 1.1km of a 6 lane road with a speed limit of 80km/h.

At least here there is a paved crossing. In other spots, crossing roads like this is impossible for wheelchair and pram users, and other people with mobility needs due to the concrete guttering and unpaved surfaces.

What is needed is signalised crossings which put the needs of bus riders and pedestrians ahead of marginal differences in car trip speed. 

This campaign supports redesigning the bus network to prioritise direct routes along main roads instead of a snakes and ladders board game through winding suburban streets. But this can only work if bus riders can cross the roads safely to get to their stops.

Adam Bain - Sustainable Cities Collective 

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