Media Release: Nov 14 2017: Launch of Vic's renewable energy auctions, "a lesson" for the feds
Victoria is leading the country with the launch of Australia's largest renewable energy auction scheme, a plan that will drive jobs, investment and drought-proof income across the state.
The announcement comes as federal energy policy descends into farce with Josh Frydenberg pitching an eight-page thought bubble based on dodgy modelling, the so-called 'National Energy Guarantee' or NEG.
"The Andrews government's renewable energy auction scheme is the culmination of three years of planning and consultation with the community, businesses and experts and will drive jobs and investment across the state" said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth's renewable energy spokesperson.
The renewable energy auction is expected to drive $1.3 billion in new investment, create up to 1,250 construction jobs and bring on new renewable energy supply to help drive down electricity prices.
"Federal energy minister Josh Frydenberg should be picking up the phone and asking the Victorian government for tips on how to craft a smart energy policy."
"Victoria's renewable energy auction scheme gives the community the certainty of having an energy plan that will drive jobs and investment up and electricity prices down" added Simons.
In contrast the divided Turnbull government's latest energy thought bubble, the 'National Energy Guarantee' or NEG, appears designed to cripple renewables and keep Australia dependent on polluting coal and gas.
"The Turnbull government seems intent on crippling the renewable energy sector and locking in fossil fuels, and has already failed to consult the community on the NEG" said Simons.
Community members are expected to gather in Hobart next week to ensure their voice is heard at the upcoming COAG Energy Council meeting after the Turnbull government's failure to conduct consultation.
As the Turnbull government turns it's back on action on climate change, we need to see more leadership from Victoria.
"Communities across Victoria are crying out for investment in climate change solutions" said Leigh Ewbank, Friend's of the Earth's Act on Climate.
"The Andrews government's renewable energy auction scheme can form the foundation stone for the state's first climate budget."