Join us for a digital action calling for accessible transport for all Victorians on Tuesday May 19!
Sustainable Cities is partnering with the Disability Resources Centre to fight for equal access to public transport.
1. TAKE A PICTURE of yourself with this message: #LifelongLockdown (if you don’t want to take a photo jump to instruction 3).
2. FRAME YOURSELF on the other side of a window - or make your own creative frame -to reflect the way that barriers to public transport keep people with all kinds of disabilities living in lifelong lockdown.
3. ADD A MESSAGE: Address your message to Melissa Horne MP. You can describe your own experience or add something like: The Victorian Government is failing people with disabilities who have been campaigning for decades for equal access to public transport. We need a public transport system that works for everyone. (Remember not to use aggressive language or unkindness).
4. POST YOUR PICTURE AND/OR MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK and tag Melissa Horne MP (Minister for Public Transport) @melissaforwilliamstown, Luke Donnellan MP (Minister for Disabilities) @luke.donnellan, Jacinta Allan MP (Minister for Transport Infrastructure) @JacintaAllanMP and the DRC @DRCadvocacy.
5. IF YOU’RE SHORT ON TIME copy and paste the message below and post it to your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on Tuesday:
@Melissaforwilliamstown, as COVID lockdown subsides, I am asking you to end #LifelongLockdown for Victorians with disabilities by making a fully accessible public transport system an urgent priority. #WeHavePlacesToGo @luke.donnellan @JacintaAllanMP @DRCadvocacy
More info:
Over the last few weeks, the COVID-19 lockdown has given us a shared experience of physical and social isolation. Many people have struggled. But the COVID restrictions are beginning to ease.
For many people with disabilities this lockdown is normal life.
We're calling on everyone - whether you find public transport inaccessible, or if you understand how important it is to have a transport system that works for everyone - to post a message or photo with the hashtag #LifelongLockdown on Facebook on Tuesday 19th May.
Inaccessible public transport means that people with disabilities cannot fully participate in education, work, community and life.
Inaccessible public transport means that many people with disabilities are living a #LifelongLockdown.
Equal access to public transport (trains, trams, buses, taxis, and ride shares) is a human right. Victorian activists have been campaigning for a fully accessible transport system for almost 50 years. The state's response? “It’s complicated, we need more time.”
Join us in making this brief shared experience of lockdown an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of a fully accessible public transport system.
Because no one should live a #LifelongLockdown.