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Transport Equity Week Intro - NSW groups


Join us for a discussion about Transport Equity Week, a national week of action set to be held on September 17-23rd this year. 

We encourage all individuals, community groups, orgs and anyone who is interested to take part in the week of action, either by hosting your own event or creating / taking part in and action to demonstrate the inequities rife in our transport system, and demand change that will lead us into a more equitable and sustainable transport future. 


Safe, Affordable and Accessible Transport for Everyone

Public transport, including walking and cycling, provides access for many in our communities to jobs, education, healthcare and to one another. It is essential infrastructure in urban environments, and crucial for mitigating climate change, and enhancing social and economic equity. Our current transport systems favours cars over communities, and exacerbates social, economic and environmental inequity. Everyone should be able to move safely around our communities, no matter who they are, or where they live.

For workers, these efforts need to be moving toward a just transition, by emphasising the need for mode shift out of cars and toward public transport. The rights of those who work in the transport sector, including manufacturers, mechanics, operators and drivers need to be protected. 

Those who are the most impacted by transport disadvantage should have the most say in how we redesign things. Transport Equity week is a dedicated week of action for groups across Australia to demonstrate the changes that they want to see as we move toward a more sustainable and equitable transport future. 

We are calling on local, state, territory and federal governments in Australia to commit to improving transport equity by: 

  1. Providing transport systems that are safe, accessible, sustainable, reliable, convenient, comfortable and affordable for all, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender, ability, age, religion, sexuality or mode of transport
  2. A commitment from state and federal governments to invest 50% of their transport budgets to public transport and 20% to active transport, as recommended by the Climate Council, to bring Australia’s transport system up to world class standards. We need reliable and frequent public transport services that people will be able to use, in all areas of each city including outer suburban areas, as well as in rural and regional areas and any areas where forced car dependency is a growing issue.
  3. Ensuring that all public transport is 100% accessible for people with disabilities, elderly people and any person with mobility issues so that our opportunities for participation in society are equitable and just 
  4. Ensuring safety and security of transport workers, including at least minimum wage, good work conditions, entitlements and respect and care in the workplace 
  5. Investing in clear communication and consultation with communities to keep people informed of transport changes across all modes (including maintenance), incorporate community needs and views in transport planning processes, and encourage uptake in active and public transport use
  6. Rapidly transitioning to electric buses and reform of bus networks to increase access to public transport in the immediate term while other modes of public transport like trams and trains are built.

Feel free to share this event with any groups or individuals who might be interested to know more.

We hope to see you there!

August 16, 2023 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Online - via zoom
Collingwood, VIC 3066
Google map and directions
Elyse Cunningham · · 0421559343
Leanne Tolra John McNeil
Who's RSVPing
Leanne Tolra
John McNeil

Will you come?