There is an urgent climate imperative to transform our democratic, economic, energy and food systems.
IN the midst of the climate crisis, inequality is also on the rise. In September 700,000 people across Australia were out of work, and underemployment rates are on the rise (ABS Via Trading Economics).
Earlier this year, we released an initial document outlining the beginnings of a vision to #TransformVIC with a focus on Creating Jobs while Cutting Emissions.
After consulting with a broad spectrum of allies, the latest version of the Transforming Victoria report is live, and incorporates additional elements of a just transitions framework which goes beyond jobs, and begins to look to alternative models of powering and and structuring our communities to be resilient to the far reaching implications of climate impacts here in Victoria.
We welcome continued input into the scope and content of the report and anticipate a release of a final document in February 2020.
For comment/input please contact [email protected]
In this new version of the report, we begin to explore social justice implications of an unplanned transition, such as transport justice.
Transport is how we connect people and places, and transport justice means ensuring equal opportunity for everyone to move around Victoria. With the current priority of building toll roads, people and communities without access to public transport are overlooked. Residents living in the outer suburbs have limited access to reliable public transport, and those without access to a car are locked out from accessing work, education and services. The cost of running a car can put a significant economic strain on families. Those living further away from the city often have to commute long distances in cars, impacting our health, social connections, environment and economic productivity. In order to achieve transport justice, everyone should have the option to take public transport.
We also highlights community champions who are reshaping community access to energy such as Cooperative Power. Cooperative Power members are unions, community groups, NGOs, and other cooperatives. Friends of the Earth Melbourne recently became part of the Cooperative Power network - more on that here!
To celebrate these communities taking the lead in setting the agenda for what system change looks like, Friends of the Earth is inviting our supporters to join Walk This Way 2019 - a community walk along 15km's of Melbourne's Merri Creek Trail to draw attention to the campaigns and communities already #TransformingVIC.