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Talking up for the Territory

Talking up for the Territory

Firsthand accounts of the impacts of the nuclear industry and the Federal Governments’ ‘Intervention’ on indigenous communities in the NT.

6.00 pm

Monday 27th October

Friends of the Earth
312 Smith St. Collingwood

Join us for an evening of short films, speakers and discussion. This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from indigenous representatives from country targeted for uranium mining, nuclear waste dumping and from prescribed areas under the NT Intervention. This solid line up of guests from the Northern Territory are in Melbourne for the International Indigenous Solidarity Gathering and this forum is an incredible opportunity to hear the stories of the extraordinary challenges being faced by NT communities and share ideas about ways we can all support the struggles for environmental and social justice and self-determination that are taking place.


Mitch - an Arrernte/Luritja artist, writer and activist, Mitch has been fighting tirelessly against the proposed radioactive waste dump and expansion of the nuclear industry in the Northern Territory.

Margie Lynch - Arrernte Nations Campaign. Margie is a dedicated anti-nuclear and human rights campaigner based in Alice Springs and her homeland Black Tank.

Barbara Shaw - Barb is resident of Mt Nancy Town Camp in Alice Springs, a prescribed area under the federal intervention into NT Aboriginal communities and is leading the campaign against this racist policy.

Kevin Buzzacott - Uncle Kevin is an elder from the Arabunna nation in northern South Australia. He has campaigned widely for cultural recognition, justice and land rights for Aboriginal people, and has initiated and led numerous campaigns.

Jeanette Edwards - Jeanette is a member of Lhere Artpepe Aboriginal Corporation, the Native Title holding body for Alice Springs. Jeanette has strong family connections with country currently under threat of uranium exploration.

Valerie Martin - a Warlpiri language interpreter and community organiser, Valerie is a resident of Yuendumu community and Kunoth town camp in Alice Springs. Valerie has travelled extensively to speak out against the Intervention over the last 18 months.

Dianne Stokes - Dianne is a Traditional Owner of the Muckaty Land Trust. She has been leading the community campaign against the radioactive waste dump and has been travelling extensively to give a national voice to the community concerns.

Mark Chungaloo - Muckaty Traditional owner living at Kalumpurpla community (about 30km from a proposed nuclear dump site). Mark strongly opposes the federal radioactive waste dump plan.

Gladys Brown - Gladys is a Warumungu language interpreter and Muckaty Traditional owner from Kalumpurlpa community. She has travelled throughout the NT and interstate to speak out against the federal government plan for a dump at Muckaty.

Mark Lane - Muckaty Traditional owner opposing the federal radioactive waste dump plan. Mark lives at Kalumpurpla community about 30 km from the proposed Muckaty site.

Further information: Michaela - [email protected]

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