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Committee of Management

At Friends of the Earth Melbourne, our committee of management is called the Policy and Advisory Committee (PAC) and like all collectives within Friends of the Earth Melbourne, the Policy and Advisory Committee is participatory, voluntary, anti-hierarchical and consensus-based, in line with our values, philosophy, constitution and internal policies.

On a day-to-day basis the operations of Friends of The Earth Melbourne are managed through the Strategy collective, the Food Co-operative and the Operations collectives.

The role of the Policy and Advisory Committee is organisational, financial and governance oversight and to ensure Friends of The Earth Melbourne is compliant with State and Federal regulations relating to charitable organisations. A separate committee is responsible for managing the Friends of the Earth Melbourne Fund, which receives funds that hold tax deductibility status.

The Committee also plays an important role in assisting in the long-term development of Friends of the Earth and in supporting the staff and volunteers working on various campaign issues.

We strongly encourage our members to participate in our campaign collectives and actively engage in governance roles like the Policy and Advisory Committee. If you are a full financial member of Friends of The Earth Melbourne, actively engaged in a collective or project, then you are eligible to nominate for the Policy and Advisory Committee before our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Committee of Management

Sam Cossar-Gilbert
Sam Cossar-Gilbert
Board Member
Sanja Van Huet
Sanja Van Huet
Board Member
Kirsty Lau
Kirsty Lau
Deputy Chair
Jemila Rushton
Jemila Rushton
David Robertson
David Robertson
Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron
Board Member
Anthony Amis
Anthony Amis
Board Member
Rodney Vlais
Rodney Vlais
Cam Walker
Cam Walker
Board Member