The Labor government's logging agency VicForests has begun logging in the Toolangi state forest, where critically endangered Leadbeater's possums have been found.
Logging commenced without a pre-logging threatened species survey to identify protected species and implement legally required protections.
Community group Wildlife of the Central Highlands detected a critically endangered Leadbeater's possum on the edge of the logging area last Sunday night but the logging is continuing wihtout a threatened species survey to protect other endangered possums likely to be in the area.
As VicForests refused to look for other Leadbeater's possums in the rest of the forest, volunteers from WOTCH conducted another survey and found a second Leadbeater's possum!
It should not be up to the community to identify endangered species at the 11th hour whilst VicForests bulldozers are knocking over habitat.
Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio has the power to act, please call on her to use her powers and be the champion that the Leadbeater's possum needs.