Friends of the Earth's forest campaign brought together grassroots groups, forest activists and new people looking to get involved from across Victoria to coordinate campaigns and take action for the protection of Victoria's native forests and wildlife.
After decades of exploitation by the logging industry, our forest ecosystems are facing collapse and their wildlife experiencing rapid decline and in some cases facing extinction. But now, forest groups, activists and regional communities are coming together like never before to work for the protection of our remaining forests and wildlife, to ensure they have a brighter future.
The objectives of the FoE forest campaign were:
- Full protection of remaining Old Growth forests across the state.
- The protection of East Gippsland's high conservation value forests through the creation of the Emerald Link proposal.
- The strengthening of protections for threatened wildlife and ecosystems through regulatory reform of the logging industry.
- Grow support for and help to create a just transition for the forestry industry out of native forests and into sustainably managed plantations and non timber sources of fibre.