Victoria's high country and tall forests are iconic – but snow gum and ash forests are under threat as climate impacts escalate.
It’s time to call for the return of land to First Nations custodians & empower communities to participate in the care-taking of forests. Government must fund the active restoration of forests to help threatened species to recover & build the resilience of alpine ecosystems to climate change.
It’s time to call for the return of land to First Nations custodians & empower communities to participate in the care-taking of forests. Government must fund the active restoration of forests to help threatened species to recover & build the resilience of alpine ecosystems to climate change.
Your monthly donations will help us campaign for forest restoration programs that repair and protect damaged and vulnerable landscapes, while creating regenerative livelihoods beyond logging.
Together, we can support communities to create regenerative regional economies that leave no one behind.
Having a strong network of financial members means we are self sustaining, independent, and never accept money from political parties, big banks, or extractive industries.