details on community actions:
(media statement signed by 61 organisations below)
(full list of actions around the country here)
For photos from the actions, check here.
On Tuesday 16th of December, please join with people all around Australia as we STEP-IN to the offices of Federal Parliamentarians, to STEP-UP the campaign for real action against climate change.
The Friends of the Earth Climate Justice Collective are organizing simultaneous community actions at 4 Electoral offices at 10.00AM, Tuesday 16 Dec.
The theme of these actions is ‘This is a Climate Emergency’.
‘Climate Emergency Services’ workers, identifiable by their flouro vests with ‘CES’ logos will be helping to protect the electoral offices by building sandbag flood barriers against rising sea levels.
Electoral offices of:
Lindsay Tanner. (Melbourne ) 102 Victoria Street, Carlton Vic 3053
Ph: 9347 5000, Fax: 93471351
Martin Ferguson (Batman)
159 High Street PRESTON VIC 3072
Ph 03 9416 8690 Toll Free 1300 301 753 Fax 03 9416 7810
Nicola Roxon (Gellibrand) 1 Thomas Holmes Street, Maribyrnong Vic 3032
Tel:Â Â 9317 7077
Fax:Â 9317 7477
Kelvin Thompson (Wills) 3 Munro Street, Coburg Vic 3058
Ph:Â 9350 5777
Fax:Â 9350 6613
To be involved with FoE actions
You will need to meet us at a nearby site prior to the event. For more details contact;
Melbourne; Micheal - [email protected], Damien 0419 253 342
Batman; Roger 9489-4939, 0403 841 264, [email protected]
Gellibrand; Shaun 0402 337 077, [email protected]
Wills; Ellen 0425 762 493, [email protected]
locals could also arrange to meet up before the day to plan and prepare.
To Do Your Own (!)
Get some friends together, make up some catchy placards, costumes or props and tell your local member why climate change is an emergency, and not something to be addressed by 2050. If every electorate can be covered it will send out a strong message for proper action on climate change. If you can't pay a visit your MP on that tuesday any time in that week would be Great (electoral offices are open weekday buisness hours)
See below for more ideas.
For Further Queries - General Contact:
Damien Lawson - 0419 253 342, 9419 8700 (FoE Melbourne office),
[email protected]
- Please pass this on to other people that might be interested, thanks.
Resource Links:
- for info on our recent visit to Martin Ferguson`s office:
Environmental community unites to condemn Rudd’s low greenhouse target
A coalition of over 60 Australian environment and community groups have united today to condemn the Rudd Government’s announcement of an ineffectual 5-15% greenhouse reduction target.
The undersigned groups have issued this joint statement:
The announcement of an interim emission reduction target of only 5-15% represents a total failure of climate policy and shows that the Rudd Government has caved in to pressure from the big polluters.
This decision is simply unacceptable.
If adopted globally, this target would guarantee the loss of the Great Barrier Reef and the Kakadu wetlands, and would steer the earth on a path towards catastrophic climate change. This decision represents a failure of the Federal Government to act on the climate science, a failure to act in the public interest, and a failure of international diplomacy.
This decision will send a signal to the world that Australia is reneging on the agreed Bali range of 25-40% for developed countries and will make a strong global agreement all the more difficult to achieve. We urge the Australian Parliament, the media, and all sections of the community to ensure that this weak target is not allowed to stand, and to make sure that 2009 is the year that Australia begins to show real leadership on climate change in the lead up to the international negotiations in Copenhagen.
1. Steve Shallhorn, Executive Director, Greenpeace Australia Pacific
2. Greg Bourne, Executive Director, World Wide Fund for Nature
3. Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia
4. Nina Hall, Executive Director (Acting), Climate Action Network Australia
5. Simon Sheikh, National Director, GetUp!
6. Virginia Young, The Wilderness Society
7. Cam Walker, Coordinator, Friends of the Earth Australia
8. Jeff Angel, Executive Director, Total Environment Centre
9. Anna Rose & Amanda McKenzie, Co-Directors, Australian Youth Climate Coalition
10. Georgina Woods, Rising Tide
11. Cate Faehrmann, Executive Director, Nature Conservation Council of NSW
12. Piers Verstegen, Director, Conservation Council of Western Australia
13. Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director, Queensland Conservation Council
14. Julie Pettett, Chief Executive Officer, Conservation Council of South Australia
15. Kelly O'Shanessy, Executive Director, Environment Victoria
16. Dr Elaine K. Harding, Coordinator, Cairns and Far North Environment Centre
17. Emma King, Coordinator (Acting), Environment Centre of the NT
18. Andrew Cox, Executive Officer, National Parks Association of NSW
19. Margaret Steadman, Executive Officer, Tasmanian Environment Centre Inc
20. Carol Ride, Convenor, Climate Emergency Network
21. Jonathan Doig, Convenor, Sutherland Climate Action Network
22. Sue Mathews, Trustee, The Mullum Trust
23. Phil Glendenning, Director, Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education
24. Mary Tinney, Coordinator, Sisters of Mercy Earth Link
25. Sr Geraldine Kearney, Delegate for Social Responsibility, Sisters of the Good Samaritan
26. Jill Finnane, Coordinator, Pacific Calling Partnership
27. Thea Ormerod, President, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
28. Keely Boom, Director, Australian Climate Justice Program
29. Teresa Capetola, Climate Change and public health research cluster, School of Health and Social
Development, Deakin University
30. Julien Lacave, Projects Manager, Australia and New Zealand Solar Energy Society
31. Paul Murfitt, Chief Executive Officer, Moreland Energy Foundation Limited
32. Tessa Dowdell, Climate Convenor, Australian Student Environment Network
33. Janet Cavenagh, Clarence Branch of Climate Change Australia
34. Jacquie Svenson, Convenor, Climate Action Coogee
35. Lizette Salmon, WATCH, Wodonga & Albury Towards Climate Health (WATCH)
36. Annie Nielsen, Executive Member, Parramatta Climate Action Network
37. Bev Smiles, Central West Environment Council
38. Bob Phillips, President, Lake Macquarie Climate Action
39. Bradley Smith, University if Queensland Climate for Change
40. Jim Morrison, President, North Coast Environment Council
41. Carmel Flint, Co-ordinator, North East Forest Alliance
42. Carolyn Ingvarson, Convenor, Lighter Footprints Climate Change Action Group
43. Robin Knox, Project Manager, COOLmob
44. Dr Gabe Lomas, Association for Berowra Creek
45. Geoff Walker, Save Happy Valley Coalition Aotearoa
46. Janet Klein, Secretary, Adelaide Hills Climate Action Group
47. Tony Gleeson, Alstonville High School Community Sustainability Advisory Committee
48. Vanessa Morris, Executive Officer, SEE-Change
49. Shakti Burke, Kyogle Climate Action Network
50. Sheila Monahan, Convenor, South East Region Conservation Alliance
51. Sue Fielder, Ballina Climate Action Network
52. Tony Gleeson, Broadwater Community Dunecare
53. Sue Lewis, President, Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle.
54. Ben Henley and Vicki Brooke, Co-Convenors, Climate Action Newcastle
55. Erland Howden, Hills Against Global Warming
56. Roger Pye, President, Canberra Environment and Sustainability Resource Centre
57. Penelope Milstein, Sustainability in Stonnington Incorporated
58. Carol Ride, Convenor, Darebin Climate Action Now
59. Cath James, Justice & International Mission, Uniting Church of Australia
60. Deborah Hart, Locals Into Victoria's Environment (LIVE)
61. Dr Mark Diesendorf, Deputy Director, Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW
62. Jack Smit, Project SafeCom, WA
For comment:
Nina Hall, Climate Action Network Australia, Mob 0415 750 957
John Hepburn, Greenpeace Australia Pacific, Mob 0407 231 172
Damien Lawson, Friends of the Earth, Mob 0419 253 342