A new Ministerial advisory council on ‘earth resources’ has been announced to address the sustainable development of the resources sector.
Given that membership of this group is overwhelmingly biased towards the industry, and given comments from the Minister, it is hard to see this as anything other than a rubber stamp for further development of the fossil fuels sector.
A new Ministerial advisory council on ‘earth resources’ has been announced to address the sustainable development of the resources sector.
Minister for Energy and Resources, Michael O’Brien said the Council members would have a broad range of experience and perspectives with representatives from the mining industry, landholders, farmers and Local Government.
“Our existing mines, quarries and gas reserves will not last forever,” Mr O’Brien said.
“We need to continue to look for and develop new sources of minerals, rock, and natural gas if we are to maintain our standard of living.”
Membership of the Council would be made up from organisations including
· the Victorian Farmers Federation,
· water catchment management authorities,
· Councils, and industry peak bodies including
· the Minerals Council of Australia and
· Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia.
Mr O’Brien said individuals with appropriate expertise including former Victorian Executive Director of the Minerals Council of Australia, Chris Fraser would also be included.
He said the new Council would include a working group on Coal Seam Gas comprised of Gippsland solicitor and businessman, Brian Lightfoot and Landcare award-winning farmer from South Gippsland, Elizabeth Balderstone.
Some quotes from Michael O’Brien:
“Through this, and other forums, we will be encouraging industry to work with us to better explain the benefits of mining and work closely to deal with the genuine concerns that sometimes arise in communities as a project develops,”
“Whether it is early exploration or production, businesses do need to bring local communities with them; government has a role in facilitating that.
“Through this new Earth Resources Ministerial Advisory Council we want to ensure Victoria is leading the way in terms of making sure the community is very much on side when it comes to these projects.”
‘The Government is determined to make sure that it is easier to do business in this state, in the mineral resources area.”
“Victoria is very much open for business and wants to see (mining) business flourish here in this state.”
Source for quotes: http://www.resourcesroadhouse.com.au/_blog/Resources_Roadhouse/post/Vict...
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