This Australia/ Pacific/ Asia forum is made specifically for people that will be attending COP 28, but open to everyone interested.
Its aim is to provide people inside COP with the tools and arguments to prevent resources being siphoned away from real climate solutions by the nuclear industry.
Don’t Nuke the Climate International has been working on a response to the increased nuclear lobby at COP in November. They have been working really hard to get two great short videos together (one on SMRs and one on Nuclear power).
This forum is one of three global launch events that are happening where we will show the videos, share the resources including a media statement, share more information and arguments for climate folks going to be able to debunk the Nuclear Lobby’s spin, and suggestions on how to spread this messages far and wide among their organisations and networks.
Dr Jim Green,will be giving a short presentation setting out the arguments on why the push for nuclear power is detrimental to climate efforts.
Ryoko Kose will talk about her experience with nuclear power resulting radioactive sickness from Fukushima.
When: Wednesday November 15
12:00 pm VIC/NSW/TAS - 11.30 SA- 10:30 am NT - 11:00am QLD - 10:00am Japan/Korea - 9:00am WA/Philippines/Taiwan 1:00pm Fiji/ Marshall Islands - 8:00pm (14 Nov) New York
Online zoom link