We would love to see you at our Apollo Bay Coastal Impacts Community Meetup, which forms part of the first of our Climate Impacts Road Trips 2023, to hear your experiences and concerns.
The Act on Climate Collective getting on the road and visiting frontline communities experiencing climate impacts. First up is coastal communities facing erosion and sea level rise.
One of the coastal communities we are visiting is Apollo Bay. We want to connect with the community to understand the climate impacts that are already being experienced, hear the local climate concerns, amplify calls for action and build solidarity across the movement towards solutions and resilience.
Climate Impacts Road Trips 2023 aims:
- Build relationships of solidarity with impacted communities and channel resources to support the frontlines
- See impacts and listen to communities experiences, bring our supporters along to build solidarity and raise awareness
- Highlight the links between the impacts being experienced by coastal communities and the climate crisis
Coastal communities are already experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis. Act on Climate is organising to assist frontline communities to build resilience and defend places already seeing change due to climate impacts. Our listening tour road trip will platform the experiences of coastal communities facing sea level rise and the work being done in the grassroots to track a quickly receding shoreline.
Please join us in Apollo Bay for a chat to let us know your local climate impact concerns!