ONLINE CLIMATE CAFE WITH PSYCHOLOGY FOR A SAFE CLIMATE (instead of the week's regular collective meeting)
Psychology for a safe climate are hosting an online Climate Cafe for the Act on Climate collective. A climate cafe is a facilitated gathering place where supportive connections are made through sharing our feelings about the climate crisis. The objective of Psychology for a Safe Climate’s Cafe is to provide a safe space in between Climate activists for participants to shift from actions, solutions and agendas to feelings and deep conversations.
Psychology for a safe climate are hosting an online Climate Cafe for the Act on Climate collective. A climate cafe is a facilitated gathering place where supportive connections are made through sharing our feelings about the climate crisis. The objective of Psychology for a Safe Climate’s Cafe is to provide a safe space in between Climate activists for participants to shift from actions, solutions and agendas to feelings and deep conversations.
This event is being offered by PSC in kind so that everybody is able to access the support they need. Psychology for a Safe Climate is a majority volunteer organisation. Psychology for a Safe Climate (PSC) is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2010 in Melbourne, Australia, to foster emotional engagement with climate change. PSC was founded in response to the lack of individual and community commitment to address the climate emergency.
PSC aim to build people’s capacity to respond constructively to climate change by promoting and strengthening mental health and wellbeing. We engage with those working on climate change, the caring professions, and the broader community.
Act on Climate campaigns for climate justice with frontline communities, workers, and unions. The collective is building an alliance with grassroots groups towards climate resilience and local solutions with social justice at its' core.
Weekly collective meetings are the engine room for our campaigns. Dinner is included, cooked by a collective member.
Come along to get involved in grassroots action for climate justice.
Come along to get involved in grassroots action for climate justice.
NOTE: Friends of the Earth is a COVID-safe workplace. At face-to-face meetings, we ask that attendees are fully vaccinated.
We acknowledge that the lands we meet and work on across so called Victoria are stolen from First Nations people. There can be no climate justice without justice for First Nations communities everywhere. Solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people under settler colonialism in so called Australia is critical in the fight for liberation from all oppressive systems that devalue and exploit people and the environment.