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70 years Emu Fields nuclear bombs ACTION

70 years ago today, the first nuclear bomb on the mainland of this continent was detonated, on Aboriginal land, without consent, adequate warning or regard for the consequences that began unfolding from that day onwards.

Together with ICAN Australia, and Wage Peace, we are organising an action to commemorate the British nuclear bomb tests and raise up the call for the nuclear weapon ban, an apology to the victims and their families affected and a well overdue clean up.

Meet us on Friday October 27 in front of the British Consulate, 90 Collins street for a family frienddly non-arrestable theatrical action to call attention to this shameful history. If there is enough time, we may repeat the action at DFAT and BAE systems.

PLEASE BRING A BROOM, BUCKET, MOP, DUSTER or other cleaning equipment for the action. We are going to show them what a proper clean up looks like.

We expect the action to finish at 6.30 pm, so people that wish to can make it to the Vigil for Palestine at 7 PM.


October 27, 2023 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm
British Consulate Melbourne
Sanne de Swart · · 0426440016

Will you come?