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Pages tagged "Rivers"

golf course to be built in very close proximity to Melbourne drinking water supply offtake

Friends of the Earth today expressed concern regarding the proposed Eastern Golf Club relocation to Yering. Eastern Golf Club at Doncaster is currently up for sale in Australia's largest golf course sale. The sale of the Doncaster course is expected to raise $110 million.

Please write a letter today outlining your concern.

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Take Action - Red Gum Parks in Jeopardy!

The decision to protect NSW River Red Gums is in jeopardy! Just days after the announcement of National Park protection for the globally significant Millewa Forest and other key areas, new Premier Kristina Keneally is being lobbied by the logging industry and conservative elements of her own party to reverse the decision. We need your help today...

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This week, support Indigenous water rights

This week, you can help Indigenous people in Victoria campaign for a fair share of water resources!
Last December the Victorian government released the Water Bill Exposure draft, outlining a new water act for the state. This was an important opportunity to update Victoria's legislation to include greater recognition of Indigenous water rights. 
As Traditional Owners and long-term custodians of natural ecosystems, Indigenous people have a right and a responsibility to use water resources in their Country. The Victorian Government has a responsibility to improve Indigenous participation in water planning and provide access to water resources.
However, the new Act does virtually nothing to recognise Indigenous water rights. The Victorian Government has neglected its responsibility and missed a crucial opportunity to support sustainable futures for Indigenous people.
Submissions on the Water Bill Exposure draft close this Friday, 14 February. We need as many people as possible to make submissions to the Expert Advisory Panel telling them they want to see better recognition of Indigenous water rights. 
Please take a few minutes to  write a short submission and send it to the panel. Here you can find a one page template to provide the key facts. If you have time, read on to see the fact sheet to gain a better picture of the issues.
Send submissions to: [email protected]
or post to:
Water Law Review
Office of Living Victoria
PO Box 500
East Melbourne VIC 3002

Last chance for NSW Red Gums - make a submission today

The NSW Natural Resources Commission (NRC) has delivered a flawed Preliminary Report into NSW red gum forests. It is now urgent that the community respond with submissions calling for Jointly Managed National Parks and an end to logging. Click the heading above to make a submission from our website today

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flooding on the Yea River - what impacts on North South pipe?

The North South pipe is now laid but anti pipe sentiment remains strong in rural Victoria. Melbourne continues to have other options to meet it's water needs - the Goulburn River does not.

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Watershed Victoria still campaigning on the Desal plant

In recent weeks Watershed Victoria and supporters have raised the major financial backing of the desal plant in Wonthaggi by Westpac and the National Australia Bank

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North South pipeline works completed - there still isn't any water

Friends of the Earth (FoE) has joined rural groups in expressing disappointment at the completion of the 'major works' phase of the North South pipeline.

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Barmah Benefit

Support traditional owners and Friends of the Earth, Sunday, September 13. This will be an amazing night full of some of Melbourne's finest musical talents whilst supporting an incredible cause.

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Desal plant locks us into high impact water futures

The announcement by the Brumby Government of the desalination plant proponents will lock Victoria into a high emissions, high impact water future.

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Pipeline threatens endangered species and our struggling rivers, report says

The controversial north-south pipeline will have a devastating impact on the environment both now and in the future, a report released today by Friends of the Earth  (FoE) has revealed.

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