Pages tagged "Media Release"
MEDIA RELEASE: Work on Westgate announced as community members gear up to launch their own transport plan
The announcement that work has commenced on the controversial Westgate tollroad comes amid strong community concerns over the project--from increased pollution affecting public health to disruption for communities in the western suburbs.
The announcement comes as community members from across Melbourne prepare to launch their own vision for the city's transport with an event planned for the first sitting day of Parliament for 2018--a hotly-contested election year.
Media Release: Benefits of newly opened Kiata wind farm shows it's time for Turnbull to #RestoreTheRET
Friends of the Earth were pleased to attend the official opening of the Kiata wind farm today, and say the project is renewable energy success story that highlights the need for the Turnbull government to hit the reset button on energy policy.
The completion of the new wind farm comes amid reports the national Renewable Energy Target will be met two-years ahead of schedule. This surprising result shows it's time for PM Turnbull to address his government's energy policy failures by restoring the RET.
“The Kiata wind farm was built thanks to Victoria's Renewable Energy Target (VRET) and is the type of policy the Turnbull government should be emulating," said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth's renewable energy spokesperson.
“There's a reason five states and territories around the country have adopted renewable energy targets. They work."
Read moreAEMO analysis shows Victorian Renewable Energy Target will secure state's energy future
MEDIA RELEASE - 5 Sept 2017
Friends of the Earth welcome the Australian Energy Market Operator's Electricity Statement of Opportunities, and say the analysis shows the Victorian Renewable Energy Target will secure the state's energy future.
“Premier Daniel Andrews is securing Victoria's energy supply in the face of federal inaction by investing in renewable energy,” said Pat Simons, Freinds of the Earth spokesperson.
"The Andrews government has made the right call with it's decision to set renewable energy targets."
"The AEMO analysis shows the electricity sector is gearing up for greater use of wind and solar."
Read moreAndrews govt announce big solar and auctions to kick off legislative push on Vic Renewables Target
MEDIA RELEASE - 23 August 2017
"A vital stepping stone towards 10,000 jobs"
The Andrews government have this morning announced the first big solar farms in the state as well as auctions to bring 650 megawatts of new projects online to kick off the legislative push on the Victorian Renewable Energy Target.
Friends of the Earth welcome the announcement and say it’s a vital stepping stone for the Andrews government towards its commitment to deliver 5,400 megawatts of solar and wind by 2025--taking Victoria to 40 percent renewables.
Read moreJoint statement: Coalition government worst in recent memory on environment
The Baillieu/ Napthine government has the poorest track record on the protection and restoration of the environment of any government since Victoria’s peak environment groups were founded in the 1950s.
The state’s environment groups, Environment Victoria (founded 1969), The Wilderness Society (founded 1976), Friends of the Earth (founded 1973) and the Victorian National Parks Association (founded 1952) have today said that the past four years of policy under the Napthine and Baillieu Governments represents a wholesale attack on the state’s environment.
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