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Pages tagged "Forests"

Mirboo North mobilises against logging

mirboonorth.jpgWell over 300 people turned out on a freezing night to stop logging in Mirboo North in Gippsland on the 14th of September. Local resident Marg Thomas said "Vic Forests (VF), were ill prepared for the well informed and vehement community opposition to logging the community's local forests".

"The people attending voted unanimously that logging not proceed and established the "Preserve our Forests Campaign". This small community's indomitable spirit is something VF will find hard, if not impossible, to counter. Mirboo North residents will never give up and are determined to preserve their forests".

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State government purchase of ailing timber mill should complete transition out of native forests

The Andrew’s government purchase of the ailing Heyfield timber mill should now complete the transition out of native forests into plantations, environment group Friends of the Earth has said.  

“The purchase of the mill gives the government an opportunity to decisively act to protect forests and prevent the extinction of endangered wildlife. The next step is to urgently complete the transition of the logging industry out of native forests and into plantations and create the Great Forest National Park,” said Friends of the Earth campaigner Ed Hill.


Recent logging within the proposed Great Forest National Park - Chris Taylor

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Massive day of action for forests on Threatened Species Day

Web_Convergence3_copy.jpgFriends of the Earth's forest collective organised a massive day of action for National Threatened Species Day last week, on 7 September. 

Our forest campaign released the Lawless Logging report with Goongerah Environment Centre and Fauna and Flora Research Collective documenting 27 cases of logging in Victoria that breached environmental protections for threatened wildlife and rainforest over the last three years.

FoE mobilised dozens of forest activists and coordinated with forest groups across Victoria to hold actions throughout the city highlighting the report’s findings and recommendations.

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Report exposes Labor's lawless logging

To mark National Threatened Species day, Friends of the Earth Melbourne has released a report documenting 27 unlawful native forest logging operations in protected threatened species habitat and rainforest. 

These logging operations have occurred under the Andrews Labor government.

The Lawless logging report has been prepared by FoE in partnership with forest survey groups Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) and Fauna and Flora Research Collective (FFRC).

Read the report here.



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Threatened Species Day - get ready for a massive day of action for our wildlife


On 7 September 1996, Threatened Species Day was declared to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the death of the last remaining Tasmanian tiger at Hobart Zoo in 1936.

To commemorate the day this year, the Victorian government "encourage[s] the community to prevent further extinctions of Australia's fauna and flora, and to restore healthy numbers of endangered species and ecological communities in the wild". 

The Foe Forest Collective is well up for this invitation and thinks that a good start would be for the Victorian government to stop logging protected forest communities and their threatened and endangered wildlife! And to end the logging industry's exemption from federal environment laws that protect threatened species!

On Threatened Species Day we'll deliver our message right across Melbourne in a massive day of action. Do you want to join in?

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Protect Toolangi's Greater Gliders - email Minister D'Ambrosio

AC_GG_IMGP5228_copy.jpgThe Greater Glider is Australia’s largest gliding marsupial. Once common, Greater Gliders have declined by 80% in the last two decades.  

Logging operations have wiped out large areas of its habitat and it's the latest Victorian animal to become a threatened species.


Government scientists advised Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio to issue a conservation order to protect the Greater Glider. Unfortunately, Victoria’s Environment Department has urged the Environment Minister not to follow this advice.

Greater Gliders continue to be killed and their habitat destroyed by logging.

The latest areas up for destruction are “Glenview” coupe (298 516 0001) in the upper headwaters of the Kalatha Creek in and "Guitar Solo" coupe (307-505-0011), both in Toolangi state forest.

Please, let the Minister know you expect the Greater Gliders in these coupes to be immediately protected from logging.

Send your email below and follow up by calling her office on (03) 9637 9504


Threatened species day rally

threatened_species_day_rally_Sept_2017.jpgJoin us on Threatened Species Day to call on the Victorian parliament to protect our threatened wildlife from logging.

Thursday September 7, 5.30pm – 8.30pm.

Parliament House, Melbourne.

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Logging machines exit Hermitage Creek Greater Glider forest

The state owned logging agency VicForests has moved logging machinery out of the contentious Hermitage Creek forests where a significant population of threatened Greater Gliders has been found.


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Logging of Greater Glider forest stalled for now at Hermitage Creek in Toolangi

Logging in the controversial "Kings" coupe at Hermitage Creek in the Toolangi state forest has been stalled for now. The forest is home to a colony of threatened Greater Gliders.

Friends of the Earth forest campaigners have been lobbying Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio's office to stop the logging operation. The Minister's department of environment has put a temporary halt to to the logging while they undertake an assessment of the biodiversity values within the coupe and make sure protections are in place for the Greater Gliders.

It's a good start but logging could still go ahead so we need to keep the pressure up.



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Tanglefoot and Valley of Giants safe for now but logging threatens Greater Glider habitat near Black Spur Drive

Hermitage-creek-greater-glider.jpgThe Toolangi community and forest conservationists are celebrating the exit of logging machines from forest next to Tanglefoot picnic ground, and the removal of a logging coupe within the Valley of Giants from VicForests immediate logging schedule.

This is a massive win to protect the main tourist destinations and vital habitat for Leadbeater’s possum within the fragmented forest of Toolangi.

However, VicForests has moved logging machinery into another precious area of Victoria’s Central Highlands. Logging is threatening Hermitage Creek in the Toolangi state forest, right next to the iconic Black Spur Tourist Drive in threatened Greater Glider habitat. 

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