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Pages tagged "Forests"

Bunnings and Officeworks timber and paper announcement must fast track transition out of native forests

Friends of the Earth has welcomed a commitment from Bunnings and Officeworks to only stock Forest Stewardship Council certified wood and paper products by 2020.  

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification is globally recognised as the benchmark of sustainable forestry operations. Victorian government owned logging agency VicForests has applied for the certificate three times and has failed to meet the FSC standards. 

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Brunswick Loves Forests

With no sign the government is serious about protecting our threatened forests and wildlife before the state election on 24 November, Friends of the Earth, together with Victorian National Parks Association, launched our forests electoral campaign on 11 September at Site Works in Brunswick. 

Brunswick is a great place for us to start ramping up our campaign as it is a key contested seat in the state election and . . .  #BrunswickLovesForests.

Action Stations Brunswick

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Support the Ending Extinction Bill

To mark National Threatened Species Day 2018 we’ve created the Ending Extinction Bill.

We’re showing leadership because our political representatives are failing to.

The Bill calls for strong protections for Victoria’s threatened species and a raft of measures that will stop rare plants and animals sliding further towards extinction.

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August 2018 Update - Just under 4 months until Victorians hit the polls

We all know that the state election which will happen on November 24 is a high stakes one for climate and environment policy. With the Coalition threatening to tear up the state renewable energy target (VRET) and gas moratorium we worked so hard to achieve, we have a lot to lose if we cannot shift their current policies.

With less than four months til the election, we are working as hard as we possibly can to ensure all political parties go to the election with solid environment and climate policies. We’re working on the ground with regional and suburban communities, in places as diverse as Maryborough in north central VIC to Bass, on the eastern fringe of Melbourne.

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New Forest Reserve in Victoria's Strzelecki Ranges

Strez_announcement_July_2018.JPGOn July 14th 2018, Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio, and Gunai Traditional Owner Aunty Doris Paton formally announced the creation of the Brataualung Forest Park in the Strzelecki Ranges.

The name Brataualung refers to one of five clans of the Gunai tribe and was the nominated name for the Reserve by the GunaiKurnai Elders Council after a Government naming process.

The new Reserve covers 2,400 ha of land, including key cool temperate rainforest catchments in the Agnes River, Franklin River, Dingo Creek, Albert River and College Creek.

The new reserve is the result of more than 20 years campaigning in the region by many individuals and local groups, particularly Friends of Gippsland Bush, and Friends of the Earth.

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May 2018 Update

Friends! Tax time is upon us and now is the time to dig deep and help us as we gear up for the November State Election. We have 5 key asks this election:

  • Victoria's first climate focused budget, delivering investment in climate change solutions and protects communities from climate impacts.

  • Powering Melbourne’s train network with solar and wind power to ensure
    Victoria’s transport system is clean, modern and non-polluting while creating
    sustainable jobs in regional Victoria and metropolitan areas.
  • The creation of the Great Forest National Park (GFNP) and East Gippsland Emerald Link Reserve, delivering a transition plan for workers in the forestry industry.

  • Commitment to a community focused transport plan for the future of Melbourne and shift funding from roads to critical public transport infrastructure, such as Melbourne Metro 2.

  • The creation of a publicly-owned retailer, backed by 100% renewable energy, to ensure Victorians have access to clean, fair and affordable electricity.

Can you help us make this a reality? Please make a tax deductible donation here - together we can do this!



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Victorian opposition paper plan will destroy forests, wildlife and long term jobs

Friends of the Earth is calling on the Victorian opposition to support sustainable wood and fibre production by committing to only use recycled paper, not paper made from Victoria’s forests. 

Yesterday, leader of the Victorian opposition Matthew Guy and Nationals leader Peter Walsh announced that Coalition government offices would only use Australian-made paper sourced from logging operations in Victoria’s native forests.

Clearfell logging in Toolangi state forest - Chris Taylor 

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Good News - First 1600ha of High Conservation Value Forest Reserved in Strzelecki Ranges

Friends of the Earth received the good news that the first 1600ha of land, in the long running Strzelecki Ranges Rainforest Cores and Links saga, was Gazetted by the Victorian State Government on the 10th of May 2018. 

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Friends of the Earth’s winter speaker series

31531738_602038206823714_246279484951494656_n.jpgDuring winter we will be hosting a range of forums for our members, supporters, and allies. These will cover a range of topics, from the long campaign to protect the forests along the Murray River, to green economics, and climate change and grief.

They are free events and will be held downstairs at the Friends of the Earth café.

312 Smith street, Collingwood (#86 tram, corner of Perry Street).

All welcome.

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Spot-tailed Quoll habitat under threat! Take Action!

On the south face of the magnificent Mt.Baw Baw east of Melbourne citizen scientists have found an Endangered Spot Tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) or Tiger Cat!

The Spot Tailed Quoll is listed as Endangered in Victoria due to massive declines in its distribution and abundance since European settlement.

Just a stones throw from where the Quoll was photographed high quality habitat for the Spot tailed Quoll is being logged.

Please email Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio calling on her to conduct thorough surveys for Quolls in the surrounding areas that are threatened by logging and protect the Quoll habitat within coupe 483-504- 0001 (Lure) which is currently being logged.