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Pages tagged "Forests"

A big day out in the Frankston - Langwarrin habitat corridor

On Sunday 29th of November community and conservation groups from all over the the Mornington Peninsula will gather in the Frankston-Langwarrin habitat corridor to explore and learn about the bush and discuss how best to protect the Peninsula's flora and fauna.

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Brumby's dirty plans for Victorian climate

The revelation that the Brumby Government is pushing ahead with plans to export the massive stores of brown coal that Victoria has underground has shown how serious the ALP really is on dealing with climate change.

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Save Coomoora woodland reserve!

Are you aware that VicRoads plans to bulldoze much of Coomoora Woodland Flora and Fauna Reserve in Keysborough soon to make way for the Dingley Bypass? Coomoora is a natural oasis, and one of the few remaining green wedges in the south-eastern metropolitan region.

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Last chance for NSW Red Gums - make a submission today

The NSW Natural Resources Commission (NRC) has delivered a flawed Preliminary Report into NSW red gum forests. It is now urgent that the community respond with submissions calling for Jointly Managed National Parks and an end to logging. Click the heading above to make a submission from our website today

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Living with the Bush coalition launched

Improving community safety in the face of increasing risk from bushfires is not a choice between human welfare and environmental integrity. This is a false choice and if pursued will result in giving people a false sense of security while ignoring other more important safety measures.

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Barmah Benefit

Support traditional owners and Friends of the Earth, Sunday, September 13. This will be an amazing night full of some of Melbourne's finest musical talents whilst supporting an incredible cause.

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community concern over tree clearing turns to protest

August 17: This morning, residents from Kinglake and surrounding areas held a community protest to draw public attention to the unnecessary logging and removal of native trees and vegetation in the Kinglake Ranges by contractors working for the Murrindindi Shire.

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Let the Death of 'Sam the Koala' not be in Vain

The unfortunate death of 'Sam the Koala' made media headlines last week. We must ask about the hundreds of other koalas, who also face an uncertain future and who also suffered horrendously in the fires.

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community meeting in Kinglake raises concern about over clearing after the fires

A report from the community meeting held in Kinglake on August 5 2009 about concerns at over clearing after the February bushfires.

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Strzelecki Forest Action

A good sized group of people joined our community field trip to see the current status of key rainforest areas in the Strzlecki Ranges on Friday, June 19.

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