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Pages tagged "Forests"

Serendip Sanctuary at risk

The proposal to construct more than 380 houses directly opposite the Serendip Sanctuary in Lara has been approved. This will seriously alter the regional environment and endanger the survival of the Sanctuary.

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Victorian government must remove cattle from the Alpine Park

Friends of the Earth joins with other environmental groups in welcoming federal environment minister Tony Burke's decision to demand that the Victorian Government refer its trial of cattle grazing in the Alpine National Park for proper assessment under national environment laws.

As VNPA executive director Matt Ruchel said last friday "Minister Burke's decision confirms that the State Government acted in defiance of federal environment laws when it allowed 400 cattle into the Alpine National Park on January 12 this year" .

We call on Premier Baillieu to put some commonsense back into this situation and remove the cattle once and for all.

This ill-advised experiment must not resume next season, it should be abandoned for good, it's a park not a paddock.
The state government is expected to respond to the minister this week.

Environment minister vows to continue alpine grazing trial

In a very disappointing move, the State environemnt minister, Ryan Smith has said that the alpine grazing trial will continue but that the government is "still working on the details".

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Once was Coomoora

The following is the last post from the community group that defended the Coomoora woodland in south eastern Melbourne for so long.

Heavy machinery moved into Coomoora on 12 January 2011, reducing much of the woodland to woodchip ... 

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keep the cattle out of the Alpine National Park

Cattle were removed from the Alpine National Park in 2005 by the government of
Steve Bracks. This was an important step forward for good land management in
our state. Since then, some of the long term damage caused by decades of
grazing have started to heal. Cattle were removed from the Alpine National Park in 2005 by the government of
Steve Bracks. This was an important step forward for good land management in
our state. Since then, some of the long term damage caused by decades of
grazing have started to heal.



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VCAT Knocks Back $70 million Eastern Golf Course Relocation

Environmental Organisations Friends of the Earth (FoE) and Healesville Environment Watch Inc (HEWI) took part in a hearing in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

After a 10 day hearing in which 13 experts gave evidence, VCAT has overturned Council's decision to grant a planning permit to allow a controversial golf course relocation to be built in close proximity to Melbourne's water supply.

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Our forests, your pollution: Indonesian environmentalists speak out against Australia's carbon offset schemes

Two climate justice activists from Friends of the Earth Indonesia, Indonesia’s largest and oldest environment organisation, are joined by Muliadi from Central Kalimantan to discuss Australia’s plans for forest offsets in Indonesia.

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Local conservationists step in to protect Leadbeater’s Possum habitat targeted by state government loggers at Nolan’s Gully

Monday 16 September, 2013

Known forest habitat for the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum is today being highlighted by conservationists as state government loggers, VicForests, continues to allow bulldozers in the Toolangi State Forest.

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Forest Stewardship Council Fails to Protect Strzelecki Rainforest

August 13 2013


Environmental organisations Friends of the Earth and Friends of Gippsland Bush today released a detailed case study investigating the impacts of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification on the rainforests of the Strzelecki Ranges. The case study investigates key issues pertaining to management and recommendations made during Forest Stewardship Council audits over the past decade. The certification of Hancock Victorian Plantations (HVP) in 2004 was the first FSC accreditation given to an Australian Timber company. HVP remain certified with the certifying body, Smartwood/Rainforest Alliance despite a litany of problems.

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NSW Red Gum: 109,000ha to be protected... maybe

At the time of our last update on December 7, over 100,000 ha of new red gum national parks in NSW had just been announced... and then put back into doubt, all within a matter of days.

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