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Pages tagged "Forests"

National Park logging call is risky, unproven and unpopular

Barmah_forest.jpgEnvironment group Friends of the Earth has condemned a call by NSW logging interests to open iconic River Red Gum national parks for commercial timber harvesting.

The NSW Forest Industries Taskforce and a local Red Gum Taskforce have both, this week, claimed that logging will benefit the local environment and reduce fire risk.

Friends of the Earth led a campaign to have the world’s largest remaining River Red Gum forests protected on both sides of the Murray River in 2010 and has condemned the call as misleading.

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National Parks need funding, not logging

redgum_forest.jpgNational Parks should be safe from logging right?

Well, not if Coalition governments in NSW and Victoria have their way.

The Barmah - Millewa Red Gum national park is under threat from a 'scientific logging' experiment.

Please sign our petition here.

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Environmentalists support the Latrobe Valley call to re-assess new coal mining and create a ‘Health Conservation area’

Keith_Pakenham_CFA_Hazelwood_fire.jpgMedia release. July 30, 2014. Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth (FoE) has supported the call from Latrobe Valley community organisation Voices of the Valley for the full rehabilitation of non-operational mine faces in the Hazelwood mine and the assessment of future industrial developments for their potential health impacts before they are approved.

“Voices of the Valley’s call for the reassessment of the 13 billion tonnes of coal that has been earmarked for allocation is a significant move” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.

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Native wildlife - doing it tough in the heatwave

Sugarglider - Silvi GlattauerNative wildlife are doing it tough in the hot weather – but a few minutes of your time can make a little difference, no matter where you live, simply by putting out fresh drinking water, says Monique Decortis, Wildlife Rehabilitator and Educator on Wildlife issues.

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Fire & the Story of Burning Country

A new book by Peter McConchie.

The catalyst for this book was the devastating Victorian bushfires of Black Saturday February 2009. The author, Peter McConchie was contacted soon after by Cape York Elders firstly to express their sadness about the tragic loss of life and to extend an invitation to come with them and record the story of traditional land management with fire. 

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National Park logging canned - now to stop 'ecological thinning'

The New South Wales Government has rejected the recommendations of an Upper House enquiry that called for logging in National Parks.

However, their response leaves the door open for 'scientific' trials that could still see commercial logging crews sent back into sensitive protected areas.

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Little Red Toolangi Treehouse shines light on plight of Leadbeater’s Possum

Tomorrow at 12 noon Hannah Patchett will formally launch her time dwelling in Toolangi’s treetops.

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse has been built 50 metres up into the canopy of an area of forest habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum

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The Extinction crisis – and the environment policy no-show

Just two days out from the federal election, and with no sign of a comprehensive biodiversity or environment policy from either Prime Minister Rudd or Tony Abbott, threatened species habitat continues to fall to the chainsaws – against the latest vocal opposition from leading scientists warning of an extinction crisis.

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Victoria’s Fuel reduction burning program

Following the Royal Commission into the Black Saturday bushfires, the targets for controlled burning have been increased, and subject to considerable criticism by many environmentalists. Because of the way community fear of fire risk has played out, there is a perceived political ‘need’ to burn large areas in order to reduce fuel loads and hence provide asset protection.

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bio-fuels: the new threat to native forests

It’s the next wave of destruction for our native forests. The forestry and energy industries are now poised to unleash their plans to feed our forests into furnaces to produce electricity, convert them into bio-fuels, and into pellets for export.  This will mean more destruction of forests and their wildlife, and release massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

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