Pages tagged "Farmlands"
'Gippsland is precious' film launch
The Old Drouin Butter Factory Theatre is set to host the Gippsland premiere of a new independent documentary called C, which looks at the impacts of controversial coal seam gas mining.
Drouin launch: May 10th at 7pm.
Melbourne launch: May 2.
Read morecoal seam gas operations in Victoria?
FoE is working to halt all new on-shore fossil fuel projects in the state - including new coal, CSG, Tight and Shale gas.
In 2012 we have broadened our work to also have a strong focus on the development of Tight Gas resources.
The state government is refusing to support the growing community call for a moratorium in new on-shore coal and gas operations in Victoria.
Read moreVictorian government must remove cattle from the Alpine Park
Friends of the Earth joins with other environmental groups in welcoming federal environment minister Tony Burke's decision to demand that the Victorian Government refer its trial of cattle grazing in the Alpine National Park for proper assessment under national environment laws.
As VNPA executive director Matt Ruchel said last friday "Minister Burke's decision confirms that the State Government acted in defiance of federal environment laws when it allowed 400 cattle into the Alpine National Park on January 12 this year" .
We call on Premier Baillieu to put some commonsense back into this situation and remove the cattle once and for all.
This ill-advised experiment must not resume next season, it should be abandoned for good, it's a park not a paddock.
The state government is expected to respond to the minister this week.
Concern over locust spray plans
Friends of the Earth (FoE) today raised health concerns regarding the arsenal of insecticides being used to control locust populations in the state’s north and north west.
Pesticides and water supply quality a concern for Gippsland residents
Friends of the Earth raised
concerns today about a recently published EPA report regarding pesticide and
heavy metal detections in waterways in Gippsland.
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Minister's intervention in golf course relocation could impact on 90% of voters within his electorate.
Environmental organisation Friends of the Earth expressed further concern about Minister Guy's intervention in the relocation of Eastern Golf Course.
On February 8, the Minister amended the property address, where the Eastern Golf Course is planned to be constructed, from Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme Green Wedge Zone Schedule 4 to Special Use Zone Schedule 9. This then meant that the golf course could be constructed without the need for a permit. This was less than one working day before the matter was to be heard at VCAT.
Read morePlanning Minister Intervenes In Golf Course Saga
Friends of the Earth today expressed its disappointment at the actions of Planning Minister Matthew Guy in amending the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme in order to facilitate the construction of Eastern Golf Club's new course at Yering Gorge, one kilometre upstream from the offtake to Sugarloaf Reservoir.
Read moreQuality drinking water for 3.4 million Australians only an “aspiration"
Last Thursday Friends of the Earth attended a pre-briefing on the soon-to-be-released Proposed Basin Plan. Amongst many disappointments in the document was this shocking bit of back-pedaling: water quality and salinity targets, critical to ensuring the waters of the Murray-Darling are safe to swim and drink, will now be merely “aspirational.”
Read moreMore herbicides detected in Barwon Water supply network
Friends of the Earth today expressed alarm at more detections of herbicides in the Barwon Water Drinking Water Supply network.
Seventeen incidents of pollution occurred within the timeframe all consisting of the phenoxy herbicides 2,4-D, MCPA and 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid. All of these herbicides are used in regards to killing broadleaved weeds on farms in grazing and cropping situations.
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