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Pages tagged "Climate Justice"

Victoria’s gas ban a win for environment, farmers and democracy

sheep_sign.jpgMedia release February 8, 2017

Today the Lower House of the Victorian parliament is debating the Resources Legislation Amendment (Fracking Ban) Bill 2016, which will permanently ban fracking in the state.

This debate is unusual, because the ALP, Greens, Coalition and minor parties have all announced their support for the ban. “This highlights the massive community opposition to onshore gas drilling in Victoria” said Friends of the Earth co-ordinator Cam Walker.

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Emergency Management Vic's climate impacts program underscores need to restore state climate act

Emergency Management Victoria, the body responsible for our state's emergency management system, has launched a new program to help Victoria prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley said climate change presents a challenge to the sector in Victoria.

"As the emergency management sector, we must acknowledge and prepare for the impact of climate change, on all aspects of emergency preparedness, response and recovery," said Commissioner Lapsley. 

"Responding to the impacts of climate change, and helping communities be better prepared for the risks and affects, is at the heart of our shared responsibility and is essential to building resilience." 

Friends of the Earth welcome Emergency Management Victoria's initiative and say the program underscores the need for the state parliament to quickly restore the Climate Change Act which was gutted by the Baillieu government in 2011.

"We're in dangerous territory when it comes to climate change," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth's climate change spokesperson. 

"Victorians have been left stranded with an impotent climate change policy since 2011 when the Baillieu government gutted the Climate Change Act," said Ewbank.

"Resolute action to tackle climate change and protect Victorian communities is needed now more than ever."

Efforts to restore the Victorian Climate Change Act 2010 are now underway, with the Andrews government seeking to implement the recommendations of an independent review of the legislation. 

The Matthew Guy opposition voted against restoring the Climate Change Act in the final parliamentary sitting week of 2016. An upper house vote is expected early in 2017.

Friends of the Earth -- the organisation that coordinated successful community campaigns for a permanent ban on unconventional gas and a Victorian Renewable Energy Target -- are calling on upper house MPs to show political leadership by supporting the Climate Change Act

"Preventing climate change impacts from getting worse is something all political parties can support. Failure to restore the state climate legislation will leave communities exposed to increased drought, heatwaves, and bushfire risk," said Leigh Ewbank.

"Upper House MPs have an opportunity to show leadership on climate change by supporting the strengthened climate legislation."

The group says the state opposition can redeem itself on the issue by allowing the Climate Change Act to pass the legislative council. 

"Opposition leader Matthew Guy failed his first test of leadership by voting against steps to restore the climate change act," said Leigh Ewbank. 

"Leader of the opposition in the upper house, Mary Wooldridge, can redeem the Coalition by allowing the climate change legislation to pass the upper house."

"The community would welcome Liberal and National party support for restoring the climate change act."

Friends of the Earth are closely monitoring the passage of the Victorian Climate Change Act

  • Send a message to Premier Daniel Andrews and opposition leader Matthew Guy to call for strong action on climate change in Victoria. 
  • Contact acting FoE campaigns coordinator Leigh Ewbank to get involved in our work to tackle climate change: [email protected]
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Record global warming in 2016 as Matthew Guy opposition block Vic govt moves to strengthen Climate Change Act

2537_2016globaltempstill-768px.jpgNew analysis released by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) over night has found record global warming in 2016 as the Matthew Guy opposition block the Andrews government's moves to strengthen the Victorian Climate Change Act

The NASA/NOAA analysis once again confirms the longterm warming trend and found "Earth’s 2016 surface temperatures were the warmest since modern recordkeeping began in 1880."  

In a statement, the organisations note 2016 is "the third year in a row to set a new record for global average surface temperatures."   

The worrying climate change data comes just weeks after the Matthew Guy opposition voted against as the Andrews government's moves to restore the Victorian Climate Change Act -- which was gutted by the Baillieu government in 2011. 

"We're in dangerous territory when it comes to global warming," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth's climate change spokesperson. 

"Victorians have been left stranded with an impotent climate change policy since 2011 when the Bailleiu government gutted the Climate Change Act," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth's climate change spokesperson.

Friends of the Earth say the opposition's vote against steps to restore the climate change legislation was a failure of leadership that exposes Victorian communities to climate change impacts.

"Preventing climate change from worsening is something all political parties can support. Failure to restore the state climate change act will expose communities to increased drought, heatwaves, and bushfire risk," said Leigh Ewbank.

Friends of the Earth -- the organisation that coordinated successful community campaigns for a permanent ban on unconventional gas and a Victorian Renewable Energy Target -- said the opposition can redeem itself on the issue by supporting the amendments to the climate act in the upper house.

"Opposition leader Matthew Guy failed his first test of climate leadership by voting against the Climate Change Act in the lower house," said Leigh Ewbank.

"The opposition can redeem itself and be on the right side of history by supporting passage of the act in the upper house."

"The community would welcome Liberal and National party support for the strengthened climate legislation and ambitious Emissions Reduction Targets for the state."

Friends of the Earth are closely monitoring the passage of the Victorian Climate Change Act. An upper house vote is expected early in 2017.


  • Send a message to Premier Daniel Andrews and opposition leader Matthew Guy to call for strong action on climate change in Victoria. 
  • Contact acting FoE campaigns coordinator Leigh Ewbank to get involved in our work to tackle climate change: [email protected]  

Friends of the Earth welcome Andrews govt plan to strengthen the EPA

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the Andrews government's plans to modernise and strengthen the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority in response to an extensive review of the body--the first since 1971. 

"We welcome the Andrews government’s moves to strengthen the EPA," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth campaign coordinator. 

"These reforms will help bring the EPA into the 21st Century and equip it to protect communities and environment from emerging issues such as decommissioning coal mines and power plants."

Friends of the Earth say the EPA reforms come as the state grapples with climate change. 

"Victoria needs a strong EPA to tackle climate change. The Federal government's policy failure on climate change requires leadership at the state level."

"An strengthened EPA will provide additional tools for the state government to cut greenhouse gas pollution and prevent climate change from getting worse."

Friends of the Earth look forward to seeing the planned restructure of the EPA this year paying dividends into the future. 

The group will closely monitor the passage of amendments to modernise and strengthen the Environment Protection Act.

"An effective Environment Protection Authority is something all political parties can support. We look forward to seeing support from the opposition and crossbench so these reforms are implemented swiftly."

October 2016 Update

FoEM_black_logo.jpgOctober was another busy month for us with lots going on - and even more coming up!

In November we will be holding our Annual General Meeting. All of our members are welcome to come along and be part of this important decision making meeting. There will be snacks and drinks provided and the evening is a good chance to get to know who is who in the FoE office and campaigns. If you are not already a member you can join here and then RSVP for the AGM here. We hope to see you there!


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Take action to support the Transition

It is expected that the majority owners of the Hazelwood power station will make an announcement about the future of the plant later this week. Reports in the media have suggested it could be closed as soon as April next year.


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Community briefings - where to for Victoria?

community_briefings_2016.jpgThe Andrews state government is coming up to its two year anniversary. That means they're halfway through this term of Parliament, with two years left before the next election.

Premier Andrews came to power with a promise to make Victoria a leader on climate change and the environment. They've definitely started on this journey - they're saying the right things, and have made some welcome decisions so far.

Since winning the election in 2014, the Andrews government has announced a permanent ban on unconventional gas, started protecting rivers from damage by cows, committed Victoria to net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050, removed 99 year leases from national parks, set strong targets for renewable energy, amongst other things.

But some big ticket items remain. What will happen to Hazelwood, the world's dirtiest power station? Will the Great Forest National Park finally be created? These and other questions still need answers.

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Rebuilding the Climate Change Act

time_for_transition.jpgThe Victorian government has been releasing a range of positive climate and energy initiatives in recent months (including the Victorian Renewable Energy target or VRET, and announcing a permanent ban on all onshore unconventional gas drilling).

Following an Independent Review of the Climate Change Act (CCA), the government is now re-writing the Act.

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No mineral sands mining in Gippsland

13087567_582663201901043_2904783250366063661_n.jpgKalbar Resources is seeking to develop a mineral sands mine near Glenaladale, northwest of Bairnsdale in far east Gippsland.

If approved, the proposed mine will be built at an area known as The Fingerboards, located at the crossroads of Bairnsdale-Dargo Rd and Fernbank-Glenaladale Rd, east of Lindenow, between Stratford and Bairnsdale.

Kalbar previously explored the area under a now expired exploration licence. They have recently been granted a retention license for the proposal.

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Greenland, climate change and the future of skiing

skiiing.jpgIn March of 2014 six women set sail from Ísafjörður, Iceland with the intention of sailing across the Denmark Straight and up the south-west coast of Greenland. They hoped to explore the remote coastline, pioneer new ski descents, and collect scientific data in some of the most incredible wilderness on earth.

The film that came from that trip, Shifting Ice, highlighted both the incredible skiing on offer in Greenland and the impacts of climate change on the Arctic.

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