Pages tagged "Climate Justice"
Copenhagen: A disaster for the world's poorest
Our response to the end of the climate negotiations in Copenhagen. “Copenhagen has been an abject failure. Justice has not been done. By delaying action, rich countries have condemned millions of the world’s poorest people to hunger, suffering and loss of life as climate change accelerates" - Nnimmo Bassey, Chair of Friends of the Earth International
What about sea level rise Mr Brumby?
Friends of the Earth has criticised the decision of the Victorian Labor government to axe its Victorian Coastal Council.
The group says the decision reflects another failure by the Brumby government to face the challenge of sea level rise caused by climate change.
Read moreRich countries must cut their own emissions
The UK based Optimum Population Trust has launched a plan to cut CO2 through a scheme that would see consumers in rich countries paying for family planning in developing countries. You can find our response here.
Walk Against Warming
Walk Against Warming is Australia's biggest day of climate change action. Melbourne, Saturday December 12.
One year out from the state election, green groups put parties on notice
*Embargoed until Friday 27 November, 2009*
A healthy environment and a safe future for all Victorians must be the top priority for all parties contesting the 2010 State Election, Victoria’s leading environment groups said today.
Brumby Government needs to revise sea level estimate
Friends of the Earth
Monday 16 November, 2009
Friends of the Earth has welcomed the release today of new CSIRO reports on sea level rise in Victoria, but say the data means government and planning guidelines on sea-level rise need revision.
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'Island's Rising' benefit - Esplanade hotel, November 19
Benefit for the communities of the Carteret Islands in PNG, being forced from their homes through rising sea levels.
Victorian Liberals tear up environmental credentials
The Baillieu Liberal opposition have broken decades of bipartisan support for nature conservation in opposing a Bill to create new red gum national parks debated in parliament last night.
Climate Justice in the Asia Pacific
A discussion of the activites of the regional climate justice movement at the recent UNFCCC climate talks in Bangkok, and a report-back on the struggles for land and climate justice in Indonesia. October 28.
Next save 'Solar Systems' rally on October 30
The federal government must guarantee Australia's first large scale solar power plant.
Please join the next rally on October 30.