Pages tagged "Climate Justice"
Helping Victorian homes tackle climate change, energy & water bills
The One Million Homes Alliance is calling on the Victorian Government to enable more Victorians to tackle climate change and riing energy and water bills by upgrading the water and energy efficiency of one million Victorian homes.
'Energy Future' paper sets the scene. Climate White Paper must drive transition from coal.
Friends of the Earth has welcomed today's release of 'Victoria's Energy Future' by the Minister for Energy Peter Batchelor.
We acknowledge the fact that the Brumby government is taking such a proactive approach to transforming our energy sources towards a low carbon future. The White Paper must fill in the details on exactly how Victoria can move away from its historic reliance on coal, oil and gas to generate energy.
Read moreThe population debate and an inconvenient truth
Australians are one of the world's largest per capita consumers of resources and emitters of greenhouse gases. Certainly we need an informed and rational debate about what might constitute a sustainable human population for Australia. But to do so without acknowledging the massive over consumption that we are responsible for is nothing less than hypocrisy.
Picket Peter Batchelor - Climate jobs Not New Coal!
Peter Batchelor, Minister for Energy and Resources Victoria, is attending the Victorian Coal and Energy Conference on the 30th of March. He'll be there to discuss the business-as-usual approach to climate change—Rudd's CPRS and the construction of a new coal-fired power station in the La Trobe Valley. This is just one of 12 new coal-fired powers stations proposed across Australia.
Climate manipulation "Woodstock" conference a dangerous distraction
Next week, the Asilomar International conference on climate intervention technologies will take place in Asilomar, California.
Organised by proponents of the controversial field of climate manipulation or ‘geo-engineering’, the conference will seek to establish a set of voluntary standards for climate intervention research for the international scientific community.
Read moreClimate Change and Women: a Conversation
Women’s Health In the North (WHIN), in partnership with Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (NAGA), and Friends of the Earth (FoE), will be holding their International Women’s Day event, Climate Change and Women – A Conversation. March 13.
National launch of the Transition Decade
The Transition Decade is a community-wide engagement campaign to achieve the structural changes to the economy and lifestyles that are needed to restore a safe climate. The campaign aims to help build greater collaboration among groups and individuals who are deeply concerned about the growing climate crisis.
It was launched at Melbourne Town Hall on Sunday 14th February.
Sea level rise walk - 'Port Phillip Rising' - November 2009
Port Phillip Rising was a walk along the eastern side of Port Phillip Bay, marking the one metre line above the current sea level to highlight the impacts of sea level rise on people, communities and landscapes along the way. We finished the walk in Port Melbourne on November 27. Check here for reports and images from the walk. We are now seeking financial support to continue the walk westwards in early 2010.
public forum: climate change - where to after Copenhagen?
The climate change negotiations held in Copenhagen were a disaster for the world's poor. This forum, being held in Belgrave on thursday the 18th of February will address the question of where we could be going on climate campaigning in 2010.
Australia must commit to deep emissions cuts in the Copenhagen Accord
As we know, the Copenhagen talks ended without agreement to set binding emissions reduction targets. The accord will list the voluntary emissions reduction targets by developed and developing countries, in Annexes to the main document. Countries are asked to provide their target by February 1, 2010.
Please join our action alert, and demand that Australia commit to deep emissions reductions targets in its February commitment.
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