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Silverton wind farm beats coal on price, will Matthew Guy back affordable energy, support VRET?

With AGL’s new 200MW Silverton wind farm in western NSW set to beat coal on price, will VIC opposition leader Matthew Guy support affordable energy by supporting the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET)?

As reported in Reneweconomy by Jonathan Gifford, the Silverton wind farm will generate electricity at just $65/MWh in it’s first five years – beating the price of around $70/MWh currently being charged by NSW coal generators.

It confirms investing in renewables is the way forward for securing affordable energy.

The VRET will build 5400MW of new wind and solar farms over the decade, bringing on new supply and driving down prices following Engie’s decision to close the highly polluting Hazelwood coal fired power station.

The impact renewable energy has in driving down electricity prices was highlighted in RNBreakfast’s recent interview with Kobad Bhavnagri of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, who said “if you have to build a new power station, the cheapest thing would be to build a new wind or solar plant.”

This comes alongside another poll showing voters blame energy price rises on privatisation – not renewables – confirming that the Turnbull government’s senseless attacks on wind and solar simply do not pass the pub test.

With evidence that gas companies are gaming the market and price gouging consumers, it’s no wonder.

The polling is a warning sign to state and federal politicians who spend more time scaremongering on electricity prices rather than offering positive plans of their own, despite being given numerous opportunities.

Both investors and voters can clearly see that renewables are the way forward for securing affordable energy.

As Victoria gets ready to build 5400MW of new wind and solar farms over the decade, will opposition leader Matthew Guy prove he supports affordable energy by backing the VRET?

It would be a welcome sign of leadership that Mr Guy can take the high road, not the low road on energy policy.

  • Email opposition leader Matthew Guy to encourage him to back the VRET. The transition to renewables ought to be a above party politics.
  • Make a donation to Yes 2 Renewables so we can act as a VRET watchdog. We’re proud of our campaign on the VRET. With your support we’ll secure it.

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