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Yes 2 Renewables website launched

In recent months there has been a growing debate across Victoria about renewable energy projects. Wind farms, the proposed solar plants in the North West, and a range of geothermal investigations have both enthused and angered many in the community.

In response to these developments, Friends of the Earth has set up a website that seeks to engage the community on proposed renewable energy projects.

In recent months there has been a growing debate across Victoria about renewable energy projects. Wind farms, the proposed solar plants in the North West, and a range of geothermal investigations have both enthused and angered many in the community. As the ABC has recently noted, wind farms in particular are likely to have a significant role in rural debate in the buildup to the state election.

It seems that while the forces opposed to wind farm developments are well organised and vocal, the majority of Victorians who support good and well planned projects are not. In spite of lots of noise from some quarters including a range of climate skeptics, we believe that there is a real desire in the community to find ways to support well planned and appropriate renewable projects.

As a result, Friends of the Earth has set up a website that seeks to engage the community on proposed renewable energy projects. It considers some of the standard myths around renewables and will also start to provide details on current, 'live' debates about emerging projects. The hope is that, over time, we can start to include details on proposals going through the approvals process, how to provide submissions and input, and details on legitimate concerns which may need to inform the planning process.

The site is available here.

Please feel free to add your thoughts - either on renewables in general or on specific projects. Useful information would include:

* details on where groups are opposing or supporting specific renewables projects,
* comments on the information we have provided about projects, as much of this - at present - comes from the proponents themselves,
* details on proposed or existing projects not yet covered in the site,
* any additional links/ groups/ policy that would be useful to include.

You can contribute directly via the 'comments' option on each page or by emailing comments/ items/ photos, etc to: [email protected]

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