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Little Red Toolangi Treehouse shines light on plight of Leadbeater’s Possum

Tomorrow at 12 noon Hannah Patchett will formally launch her time dwelling in Toolangi’s treetops.

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse has been built 50 metres up into the canopy of an area of forest habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum

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Friends of the Earth - Media Release

Saturday 9 November 2013

Tomorrow at 12 noon Hannah Patchett will formally launch her time dwelling in Toolangi’s treetops.

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse has been built 50 metres up into the canopy of an area of forest habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum.

“I’ve chosen to stay in the Little Red Toolangi Treehouse because I want to see real action taken to save the Leadbeater’s Possum from extinction,” says Hannah Patchett.

“Removing clearfell logging from these forests is the first step.”

Logging of the remaining unburnt forest area following the 2009 bush fires has become increasingly controversial, and the subject of extensive community opposition.

Today the Toolangi forest continues to be logged, mostly for pulp for paper.

Leading expert on the Leadbeater’s Possum, Professor David Lindenmayer, has called for an end to clearfell logging by the end of 2013.

“The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse is a vital and brave initiative to protect the Leadbeater's Possum habitat that the Napthine state government continues to log against expert recommendations,” says spokesperson for Friends of the Earth, Lauren Caulfield.

“Friends of the Earth support Hannah’s efforts because like her, our organisation and our supporters want implementation of management changes our forests so desperately need,” says Lauren.

“As it stands current industrial scale clearfelling will see our wildlife emblem managed into extinction’,” says Lauren.

“Real and urgent action must be taken to protect the Leadbeater’s Possum and its forest habitat from logging.”

“Forestry Minister Peter Walsh and environment Minister Ryan Smith must ensure the new management recommendations laid out by Professor Lindenmayer are implemented if the Leadbeater’s Possum is to stand a chance,” concludes Lauren.

What: Launch of the Little Red Toolangi Treehouse
Photo opportunity: Little Red Toolangi Treehouse from the ground, or assisted ascend to tree platform
When: From 12 noon, Sunday 10 November
Where: Toolangi State Forest – contact Amelia Young for directions 0404 074 577

For interview:

Friends of the Earth, Lauren Caulfield 0408 748 939
Little Red Toolangi Treehouse, Hannah Patchett 0403 563 653

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