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Historic Decision Protects Victorian Red Gum

30th December 2008

Today, Victorian Premier John Brumby made history by committing to protect 95,000ha of Murray River Red Gum forests, and create the state’s first co-managed National Parks.

The Brumby government has taken the courageous step to implement the majority of recommendations from the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council River Red Gum Investigation, including:

  • Four new national parks at Barmah, Gunbower, the Lower Goulburn and the Ovens Rivers
  • Significant additions to the Murray-Sunset National Park and Terrick-Terrick National Parks.
  • A total of over 95,000ha of new protected areas (regional, state and national parks)
  • A new Murray River Park covering more than 1000 km of the Murray River frontage from Wodonga to Mildura
  • Co-management Barmah and Nyah parks with the Traditional Owners
  • Creation of statewide legislation to allow future joint management of other parks
  • Removal of stock grazing from all publicly owned water frontages along the Murray and major tributaries

We applaud the decision as one of the most significant conservation commitments ever made in Victoria. Click here to read our media release

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